
SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation MCQs Quiz Test


SAARC countries with SAARC summit and SAARC nations for General Knowledge MCQs. South asian association for regional cooperation information MCQs With Answers. All SAARC summit 2016 and SAARC countries list are in the solved mcqs here. All SAARC members and SAARC 2016 General Knowledge information here.

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South Asian Association For Regional Cooperation Solved MCQs

1. Apart from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh who are the other member countries of SAARC?

(a) Nepal, Bhutan, Thailand and Singapore
(b) Nepal, Bhutan, Malaysia and Maldives
(c) Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan (Answer)
(d) Nepal, Bhutan, Singapore and Sri Lanka


2. SAARC was formed in Dhaka on --------------

(a) November 7, 1984
(b) October 3, 1985
(c) September 5, 1984
(d) December 8, 1985 (Answer)


3. Which of the following is not the main purpose for formation of SAARC

(a) To Combat Terrorism
(b) To Promote the Welfare of the people of South Asia
(c) To form mutual defence against foreign aggression (Answer)
(d) To accelerate economic growth and natural development


4. Which SAARC summit was held in Islamabad in 2004

(a) 5th
(b) 12th (Answer)
(c) 3rd
(d) 6th


5. First SAARC summit was held ln 1985 in ------

(a) Delhi
(b) Dhaka (Answer)
(c) Kathmandu
(d) Colombo


6. SAARC has its headquarters in -----------------

(a) Kathmandu, Nepal (Answer)
(b) New Delhi, India
(c) Dhaka, Bangladesh
(d) Colombo, Sri Lanka


7. Which of following countries got observer status in SAARC

(a) Korea and China
(b) Russian and China
(c) Japan and China (Answer)
(d) Thailand and Indonesia


8. In acronym SAARC, “C” stands for ---------------

(a) Committee
(b) Commonwealth
(c) Conference
(d) Cooperation (Answer)


9. Which of the following statements regarding SAARC countries is correct?

(a) All the countries with which India has borders are members of SAARC, Sri Lanka and the Maldives being islands
(b) Except Sri Lenin and Maldives, no other SAARC country has island as a part of its territory
(c) No SAARC country other than India has a common border With another member country, Sri Lanka and the Maldives being island (Answer)
(d) Except Sri Lanka and the Maldives, all the SAARC countries have common border with China


10. SAPTA is a trade agreement by -----------------

(a) ASEAN Nations
(b) APEC Nations
(c) SAARC Nations (Answer)
(d) EU Nations


11. Name the first Secretary-General of SAARC

(a) Nazim Karim
(b) Abu-al-Ahsan (Answer)
(c) Rafi Nizami
(d) None of them


12. President of Maldives Mammoon Abdul Gayoom has attended fourteen SAARC summits besides him who has attended a maximum number of SAARC summits?

(a) King Jigme Singhe Wangchuk (Answer)
(b) King Birendra Bin Bikram
(c) Prime Minister Girjia Prasad Koirala
(d) None of them


13. 2010-2020 in the SAARC decade of------------

(a) The rights or the labour
(b) The rights of the women
(c) The rights of the child
(d) intra-regional Connectivity (Answer)


14. In which year SAARC Law Commission was formulated?

(a) 1990
(b) 1991 (Answer)
(c) 1992
(d) 1993


15. SAARC law was accorded recognition in which year?

(a) 1991
(b) 1992
(c) 1993
(d) 1994 (Answer)


16. Who is the current secretary general of SAARC?

(a) Dr Sheel Kant Sharma
(b) Kumar Shrestha
(c) Abu-al-Ahsan
(d) Amjad Hussain B. Sial (Answer)


17. Which country was a major donor in financing the SAARC?

(a) Pakistan
(b) Sri Lenka (Answer)
(c) India
(d) Bangladesh


18. The Seventeenth SAARC Summit was held from 10-11 of November 2011 in Addu City ----------------

(a) Maldives (Answer)
(b) Bhutan
(c) Nepal
(d) Sri Lenka


19. --------------SAARC Summit was canceled, which was supposed to be held in Islamabad, Pakistan on 15-16 November 2016?

(a) 16th
(b) 15th
(c) 18th
(d) 19th (Answer)


20. The 19th SAARC Summit, which was postponed due to the URI Attacks was supposed to be held in which country?

(a) Pakistan (Answer)
(b) Iran
(c) China
(d) India


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